spicy diva magazine vol.2 vol1 | Page 24

What's your secret to get "into character" before you step in front of the camera. Or does the sexiness just come naturally no matter what you're doing?

Xtina Noel: In the beginning it was so hard! I always looked scared, never smiled, I didn't know what the hell to do (laughs). Now it's like a piece of cake, sometimes my friends make fun of me because EVERY TIME I am in front of a camera, I'm always posing. I always have sexy eyes going on and a seductive facial expression Ha! I'm like a pro now!

I've learned pretty quickly that models tend to be the aggressors in their relationships. Would you say that you fit in that category?

Xtina Noel: I wouldn't say I'm an aggressor outside of the bedroom (laughs) I dont think its necessary for neither you or your partner to feel the need to be that way in a relationship. The only time you should be aggressive is to get what you want - once you got it, take it day by day. I feel like alot of relationships fail because of this.

What's the ONE biggest mistake that you would say that men make the most when they're interested in a woman?

Xtina Noel: Flashing and bragging about their money! I, personally, absolutely HATE this! I cannot even tell you how frustrating this is. Flashy people are insecure about themselves therefore they resort to showing their money off and talking about it because they can't have an intelligent conversation. Money won't win us over, it's personality. Money doesn't talk. This is NOT how you get a woman I promise you - it's how you get a girl that's ONLY interested in your money. A woman makes her own and doesn't need yours, we want an intelligent man with a sense of humor that can hold a conversation and make us laugh.

Let's take that a step further....what's the ONE biggest mistake that you've seen a man make in the bedroom?

Xtina Noel: Just ONE?! This is a damn shame (laughs) I'm going to have to say having sex like a jack rabbit. I think guys watch way too much porn and have the impression that all women like to have fast, rough sex. Now don't get me wrong, it feels amazing and yes it's great because pain is pleasure right? But it takes time to get there, you can't just jump right into that in the bedroom. There has to be some kind of passion in the bedroom to have that connection to make a woman reach their climax before you start humping like an animal

Some people would compare models who get implants to athletes that take steroids in professional sports. Being an all natural model do you ever feel the pressures to go that extra step to match up to the competition?

Xtina Noel: Absolutely. I cannot tell you how many times I have been questioned about my boobs. Some people to this day still do not believe they are real. I have had NO work done. I'm 100% natural. In the future would I get some work done? Perhaps. I have said that after I have kids I might want to get implants but until that happens, I can't say if I'd do it. Do models with breast and butt implants get more work? Yes, absolutely but I won't alter myself to please anyone else. I don't condone anyone that has had work done, it's just not for me. I've gotten this far with what I have, who am I to go and change it? I let everything take its course. Nobody is perfect.
