Special Delivery Spring 2018 | Page 40

Fitness guru Maddy

Tusler on

simple steps to lift your mood.


I don’t know a woman who doesn’t feel guilty about something. Women are prone to focusing on the things we don’t do or the things we are not, rather than looking at all the things we have achieved and how much we support and nurture those around us.

Caring for a newborn is all consuming and new parents, particularly new mums can struggle to set aside time to look after themselves, exercising and eating well become a frivolous luxury. This is a slippery slope and can lead to tiredness, anxiety and low self esteem. The more tired we get the less we feel like doing anything and the negative cycle begins. I think the first thing we can look at is the way we fuel ourselves. The less exercise you do, the less you want to do. It is easy to reach for sugary carby snacks as a quick energy fix but after a sugar rush leads to a sugar crash leaving you flat and feeling guilty and then perhaps leading to skipping meals to avoid the excess calories and you can see where I am going.

Given the huge rush of emotions which come with welcoming a new baby into your family, it is perfectly normal to have episodes where you feel low. Here are 5 simple adjustments to boost your mood.

By adjusting a few elements that may have fallen by the way side whether it be your diet, your exercise routine or seeing and connecting with friends you will start to feel more in control and less guilty immediately. If you are experiencing prolonged feelings of sadness or depression, please don’t suffer alone talk to your friends or a professional

Often when we are feeling overwhelmed we hide ourselves away through feeling of embarrassment or fear of being judged but never feel alone we all go through moments when life seems to get the better of us, how completely human. Please remember you aren’t alone and you will be surprised how much help there is out there.