Special Christmas Edition Mane - December 2016 | Page 4

In this context, some green energy projects are already operating, others are under construction, and many more planned in the UK.

These projects has been chosen because they are the most outstanding, representative and highest capacity example of solar, biomass, onshore wind, offshore wind and ocean (tidal/wave).


Among the large amount of wind energy projects being built in Scotland thanks to its natural conditions and politic and business willingness, Kilgallioch Windfarm will have the larger capacity (for onshore wind), being able to provide up to 239 MW when operating. Scottish Power Renewables is developing this wind farm project in Dumfries and Galloway County, Scotland. It’s estimated it’ll be completed in 2017, and it’ll require a construction expense of £300 million. It will consist of 96 Gamesa turbines (with a maximum size of 146.5 m to blade tip) laid out in a 32 km² area.


Although tidal and wave energy are different energy sources and the technologies employed to harvest them is different, they’re usually combined under the same category (ocean energy), since they share many characteristics.

The ocean energy project under construction with the highest planned capacity is the MeyGen tidal energy project (398 MW). It’s located in the Inner Sound of the Pentland Firth, a body of water between the north Scottish mainland and Stroma Island. Its 269 turbines laid out in 3.5 km² will be operating by the early 2020s. The total cost of the project will be £70 million.


E.ON is currently constructing an offshore wind farm in the English Channel, 13 km off the coast of Sussex. When completed, it’ll be visible from Brighton and will have a capacity of 400.2 MW. Its 116 turbines provided by Vestas will have a total height of 140 m. The wind farm will cover an area of 72 km² after spending £1.3 billion.


Lynemouth Power Station, located in Northumberland coast, was a coal power plant from 1972 to 2015. It was sold from German energy giant RWE to Czech utility company EPH. During 2016 and the first months of 2017, it’ll be converted into a biomass power plant. The conversion process will cost £350 million and will allow Lynemouth Power Station to generate 420 MW of electricity from burning wood pellets.

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The UK energy market has just started to experience a shift towards renewable energy sources.


Top Renewable Energy Projects

This trend has been promoted by the binding carbon targets and the EU’s 2020 renewable energy targets for the UK.

Aliquam varius adipiscing tempor. Vivamus id ipsum sit amet massa con-sectetur porta. Class aptent taciti soci-osqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Prae-sent dignissim ultrices neque. Aliquam auctor congue nunc sed interdum. Aen-