SPARK | Page 7

Heart Your heart is really a muscle. It is a little bit to the left of the centre of your chest, and it is about the size of your fist. It is your heart's job to pump your blood around your body. Your blood carries important things to the rest of your body such as oxygen and nutrients, and it also carries away things your body does not need any more. Liver The liver is the biggest organ in your body. It is a browny-red colour and does over 500 jobs for your body! A few of the jobs it has are to store glucose for your energy, clean your blood and create something called bile which helps your body to absorb fat. Stomach Your stomach is a stretchy bag of muscle that is important for digesting your food. When you chew and swallow your food, your stomach mixes and churns up what you have eaten, like a blender. It then adds stomach acid which helps to digest the food even quicker by breaking your food down into smaller parts to make them easier to digest for the next place your food goes – your intestines. Kidneys You have two, bean shaped kidneys that help to clean your blood. They are just under the back of your ribs but you cannot feel them. They have tiny filters inside that catch all of the stuff your body does not need, as well as some other important jobs. SPARK 7