SPARK Winter 2016-2017 | Page 16

CHAPTER 1 I doubt you would have looked in at Time Travel Towers at 2am in the morning. But if you did, you may have seen a little boy going into one of the time machines. He was six and called Alfred. You may want to know why he did this, well he worked at Time Travel Towers (six was the minimum age you could work there) and he had permission to go in any time machines he wanted. He had chosen the Grand Time Machine. Now Alfred had been in time machines before but never in the Grand Time Machine. He had even been in superspeedy time travel. But this was the grandest one yet. 16 SPARK CHAPTER 2 The time machine was enormous, it looked a bit like a grand theatre. Inside it had huge pink curtains and had two handles! He pressed the button that said “go back in time.” The first i of the button was a lever. He pulled the lever and off he went to the Ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians were surprised when they saw him and they could understand him because he spoke Farsi.