SPARK Winter 2016-2017 | Page 14

... CONTINUED IT’S A KIND OF MAGIC A lodestone attracting nails Photo: Teravolt It’s all because of what we call electromagnetism. Once scientists would have said that magnetism was the strange, invisible force of attraction between certain materials - today, we can explain it as a force created by either magnets, or electricity. People have known about magnets for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks and Romans knew that lodestone (an iron-rich mineral) can attract other pieces of iron to it, while the ancient Chinese were making magnetic compasses hung on strings. Sailors also used to use the lodestone and a magnetic needle that swung on a point although they believed it worked by magic! In those days no-one knew about how a magnet’s structure causes its magnetic properties. One of the most amazing things about magnets is the way they can attract other magnets (or other magnetic materials) "at a distance", invisibly, through what we call a magnetic field. A giant storm travelling from the sun was pushed away from the Earth because our planet’s magnetic field did the pushing. Small planet Earth, on the right, is protected from the storm by magnetic field lines shown in blue and purple. (In reality, the sun is much further away than this.) WATCH A VIDEO OF A MAGNET EXPERIMENT: 14 SPARK