SPARK Summer 2017 | Page 5

HERBIVORES – THE GRASS-EATING ANIM ALS Although we saw many diff erent types of herbivore, my favourite we re the elephants and the zebra. We were fo rtunate enough to see a female family grou p of elephants with their infants, as well as tw o young males all alone. The picture of a huge elephant against the African night sky will live with me forever! As we watch ed, we heard their rumbling tummies – thes e low groans and grumbles are actually th e elephants talking! On another occasion, we heard a baby elephant trumpeting an d roaring, while practising a charge in case he might have to use it to protect himself. noticed ywhere and we er ev e er w s ra Zeb them. ose to be near ch st ee eb ild w that n came ry alert, so if a lio ve e ar s ra b ze e Th n for it, bras made a ru ze e th d an g n alo roup of eest follow. A g eb ild w e th en th se the black a dazzle, becau d lle ca is s ra b ze dazzle es confuse and p ri st e it h w d an . Baby seen in a group en h w rs o at d pre ut this is dly long legs, b d o ve a h s ra b ze the same height be t us m es lli be r a because thei ey’re sheltered in th en h w so s nt as their pare . lt to spot them cu iffi d ’s it , p u ro g SPARK 5