SPARK Summer 2017 | Page 17

Imagine tha t you’re outs ide somewhere a n d s u d de n ly the sun starts to dis appear! As th e skies darken, bird s begin to fl y for cover and it feels colder. It so u nds a bit scary but yo u’re in for a treat. An eclipse is a very rare ev e nt where the moon tr avels in fron t of the sun. It block s it from yo u r sight, either partly or complete ly. America is th e lucky coun try that experiences a total eclip se this summer, on 21st August. Total means it co mpletely dis appears for a couple of minutes. and on the If you were able to st rth, you would moon and look at Ea of it. This is see a shadow on part the moon, the shadow caused by tonishing speed and it moves at an as rface – faster across our planet’s su your torch on than you might shine hen it’s time your favourite book w ! for bedtime lights off The sun’s co rona (Picture by Exploratoriu m) HOW A TOTAL ECLIPSE HAPPENS to The moon takes about 29 days is travel around the Earth, which nth. why we get a full moon every mo n The moon is a lot closer to us tha the sun is. Sometimes the moon en happens to get in the way betwe t the sun and the Earth. When tha is happens, some light from the sun reach blocked by the moon and can’t ss. us. That causes daytime darkne People on Earth who are in that shadow get to see th e awesome moment where the su n is completely blocked out. It’s calle d totality. But that doesn’t mean th ere’s nothing to see. A total eclipse is the only time we get to see the hidd en outer part of the sun’s atmosph ere. It’s called the corona, and it glow s white in diff erent shapes arou nd the sun. Sometimes scientist s are able to spot solar flares as w ell. These are fires coming off the su n’s surface that reach thousand s of miles high into space. SPARK 17