SPARK Spring 2017

SPRING 2017 Hello again, SP ARKLERS! I bet you’re ha ppy that there ’s lots more co now it’s spring lour around yo . This is the tra u, ditional seaso doesn’t love th n of new life (wh e cute baby a nimals!), but d o celebrate a ve id you know th ry special birth at this year w e day? Find out more on page Queen Elizab 4 . eth II also rea ches the very you know tha g ra n d age of 91 this t Windsor Cast year! But did le, her specia more than 90 l h o m e just outside 0 years old? C London, is ome on tour, inside Windso r Castle with You are all ve me. ry busy Spark lers and I love favourite thin re ading about yo gs and adven ur hobbies, tures. Talking in brilliant bo o f re ading, some ok reviews an of you sent d these are p Look out for st rinted for all o ories, Young f us to enjoy. Reporter fact writing and m ore. Have a great time! Sparky