SPARK July 2014 | Page 8

Carnivores Carnivores, or meat eaters, ate other dinosaurs and other types of animals. They had sharp teeth and very athletic bodies for running and hunting prey. They were fast movers and most of them stood on two feet. Some of them ate prey that they had just caught and killed. Other carnivores were better at scavenging, feeding on already dead dinosaurs. Some carnivorous dinosaurs ate fish, and others even ate their own kind! ! losaurus Mega 8 | SPARK Good eyesight ,ak large brain to een sense of smel , and a pla successful hun n were very important for tin hunted in gro g. Many carnivores may h a ups, so workin g together wa ve important for s very some species. There were al so a few omniv ores in the tim the dinosaurs e of , which were d inosa meat and anim al life, but also urs who ate ate plant life to o. Carnivores ha d different wa ys of hunting yy •Eating alr their food: eady dead din osaurs yy •Chase thei r prey and te ar it apart (su Tyrannosaur ch as the us Rex) yy •Sneak up on their prey using camouf yy •Attack th lage eir prey in pa cks (such as th e Velociraptor ) 9 | SPARK