SPA UK Sandesh 2017 | Page 7



We have to evolve and adapt ....
Namaste and Jai Shree Krishna
In my first year as President I am glad to say that I have a lot to thank my predecessor for . Jitubhai handed over the reins a little earlier than I expected as he was on a extended holiday abroad . However I needn ’ t have worried as he had prepared me very well . SPA ( UK ) is in very good shape as evident from the number of compliments we receive from other communities and organisations . Over the past year I have seen in greater detail the work our Samaj does , such as our International Trust Fund and the amount of Sewa that our members perform at a local and national level , both for us and the wider community .
Our Mahila and Senior functions continue to be successful , however , we have to work out how we can attract more of the younger members to our activities . Our Sports Days have shown a continued decline in participants over the past few years . Our Youth leaders are finding that it is harder to gauge the opinions of our younger members as some branches do not even have a youth representative . If we are not providing relevant services to our younger members , then we need them to come forward and let us know how we can best serve them . So to all of our youngsters from 10yrs to 60yrs this is our challenge to you : “ Come and tell us what you want ” - Challenge us to give you what you want !
Our Samaj , like many others , has to continuously examine itself to find ways of improving our operations so that we can better serve our members and our community . To that end , we are starting to utilise Facebook and WhatsApp media to promote our events and successes to wider audience . Our Webmaster is continuing to improve our online presence . We continue to enjoy good relations with our Prajapati partners in other parts of the world and with Hindu communities and organisations both here and abroad .
SPA ( UK ) will no doubt face challenges in the future in the shape of Caste Legislation which is currently under review and the difficulties that we will no doubt face when “ Brexit ” finally occurs . Our biggest challenge will be to ensure our continued survival in the face of many more mixed marriages in our community and the lack of engagement by our young and professional members . Their enthusiasm and professional skills are something that we are desperately seeking so that we can make our organisation more effective .
In conclusion , I would like to state that although we are stable at the moment , we have to evolve and adapt otherwise SPA will not be effective ; if we are not effective then we will not survive . Come forward and offer us your expertise , help us set out confidently into the 21st century .
Pranam and Jai Shree Krishna Bharatbhai C Mistry President , SPA ( UK )
vol . 42 | Prajapati Sandesh 2017 5