SPA UK Sandesh 2016 | Page 87

Sadly , the past year has seen Walsall branch grieve the loss of some of its prominent members . They are missed and many a tear has been shed in their memory . These people have left a legacy , and a way of thinking that will inspire us to continue to work with our members . It will ensure that the Samaj does not lose sight of its purpose and why we all endeavour , through all the tough times , to make it happen .
We all have an idea of where the Samaj is heading , from what we have seen ourselves and what others have told us . Recently , a Samaj member had an interesting way to explain the current situation . We can argue that much like an economy has cycles , with periods of ‘ Boom ’ and ‘ Bust ’ or how clothes that were laughed at 15-20 years ago are now considered trendy and fashionable today , our Samaj has its own lifecycle . Turnout and interest will peak at some points , but there will be moments when things will be a lot slower .
If we believe this then there will , in all likelihood , come a time when interest and passion reaches a peak again . But the questions to consider are : how long will these interests last for ? And who will be there to cater to these interests ?
We all love it when the ice cream van stops near our house on a hot , summer ’ s day . Kids and adults are happy , and the ice cream man has served his purpose . But what use is it if , one day , nobody is there to take our order ? Or worse , what happens if one day we really crave ice cream but the van is broken down and cannot make it out of the driveway ?
The Samaj is arguably no different from the ice cream van . We ’ ve got to push on and be there for those moments when the interest comes back . In the end , it will all be worthwhile - when the same joy and fulfilment we once felt is seen through the eyes of our children and grandchildren .
vol . 41 | Prajapati Sandesh 2016 85