SPA UK Sandesh 2013 | Page 68

S PA Lo n d o n London: We did it again! - “We have achieved many of our goals for our community”! Namaste, or SPA London, 2013 has been a year of consolidation, and we have achieved many of our goals for our building and for our community. These are just a few highlights… F Building Loan to Donation One of our main aims this year was to visit the community members who generously gave us loans for the purchase of the building in 1997. We humbly requested that they convert the loans to donations to allow to us to strengthen our financial position and also to complete renovations to our building such that it is accessible to the whole community. Although this task is not completed, we have made substantial progress and a big thank you to all the community members who have converted their loans to donations. Once this exercise is fully completed we will be creating a plaque recognising these generous members of our community. 66 Car Park and Drainage Although it doesn’t sound that exciting, one of the main obstacles in our building was the unfinished car park which meant reduced accessibility to our community and also the reduced capacity for external hires. But this year we have delivered. Our car park is now complete, with the generous help of our community members, a £10,000 grant from the Big Lottery Fund and most importantly the Lad Construction Team whose generosity has again delivered a project the community can be proud for a long time to come. PLF Charity Dinner Dance On Saturday 23rd February 2013, the PLF (Prajapati London Foundation) hosted a Spring Charity Ball for over 200 guests at the stylish Shah Memorial Hall in Kingsbury. The evening supported a charity that I have been working very closely with for the past 7 years. BGMS (Bharatiya Grameen Mahila Sangh) is an orphanage for over 100 children and a refuge for women, the aged and partially impaired in Bangalore, India. The orphanage is faced with many challenges. Recognising each one would simply be endless. The charity night helped raise awareness of the great work that BGMS undertakes and also raises funds for child sponsorship. My target was to achieve sponsorship for 50 children at the orphanage. The night accompanied fabulous food that was donated by Raj Foods and a talented live Indian band. The night was a real success and guests partied the night away. By the end of the evening, 53 children were sponsored in total - that is worth over £11,000.