SOONER STATE ABATE SENTINEL Sooner State Abate Vol 5 Issue 1 | Page 6

Sooner State ABATE Sentinel - Volume 5 Issue 1 lenges. Government bureaucracy has become more entrenched and complicated, and our Elected Officials Veterans Day have been supportive of budgetary cutbacks to restrict Pro-Veteran programs while simultaneously proclaim- Thank you for inviting Oklahoma’s Motorcycling Com- ing they’re “Supporting the Troops”. That phase means munity to once again take part in this heartfelt ceremony far more than being a bumper-sticker proclamation: it at one of the finest Veterans’ Memorials in the Nation. needs to be augmented with positive, definitive action. Across this great country and throughout the World, Thousands of Americans face eroding Quality of Life due Americans are pausing to honor our brave men and to Service-Connected physical and mental illness; far women who for more than 240 years have underwritten too many American Veterans continue to be homeless, our Liberty by their duty, honor, and selfless Service. even here in Oklahoma; and over Twenty Military and For over Thirty Years, The Sooner State’s Riders have Veterans EVERY SINGLE DAY reach such a hopeless joined their fellow Americans to honor on Memorial Day impasse that they can see no alternative but to take their our Military who made the Supreme Sacrifice. Now, own lives. This is an intolerable situation which MUST be we mark over Twenty Years where we’ve enjoyed the remedied, and that’s why Veterans’ Day affords us the opportunity, on Veterans’ Day, to recognize and celebrate opportunity to become energized and active in speaking the contributions of ALL our Armed Forces and Veterans, up for our Brothers and Sisters who swore the same oath and re-direct focus toward the need for our Government to honor the promises and contracts made in return for their dedicated service. The Motorcyclists you see here represent the finest America has to offer-many of whom are Active Duty Military and Veterans. We’ve long recognized that Freedom is NOT Free but is Bought with a Price. And, the Price of that Freedom is Written on the Wall! Veterans’ Day has evolved out of our remembrance of the signing of the Armistice ending World War I, the “War to End All Wars”-on the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month. One can only imagine how it must have been for those Warriors who spent years killing each other to come out of the trenches and greet each other as Friends! This year, we pause to reflect on the Hundredth Anniversary of the end of a conflict which cost over 120,000 American Lives, and caused Europe to mourn the loss of an entire Generation. Ironically, less than twenty years later the globe would be plunged into an even more cataclysmic World War. Presently, our fel- low Americans routinely place themselves in harm’s way in the Middle East, and constantly have lived at risk in Afghanistan for over seventeen years. Sadly, our present situation reminds us of the timeless words of Plato, who said, “Only the Dead have seen the End of War!” Presently, our Veterans are faced with multiple chal- as we did but are disadvantaged and hurting. I’d like to conclude with a Veterans’ Day Poem, written by Cheryl Dyson: “On Veterans’ Day we honor all, who answered to a Service Call; Soldiers young and Soldiers old, fought for Freedom, brave and bold. Some have lived, while others died, and all of them deserve our Pride. We’re proud of all the Veterans who, kept thinking of the Red White and Blue. They fought for us and all our Rights; they fought through many Days and Nights. And though we may not know each name, we thank ALL Veterans just the same!” Thanks very much for taking the time to honor our Mili- tary and Veterans. May God Bless You, and God Bless America! Tiger Mike