Sonder: Youth Mental Health Stories of Struggle & Strength | Page 70

I AM SORRY, MOMMY CONT. physical appearance, and food. By starving myself, I found something that made me feel successful in the midst of my lack of control. I found something that helped me to believe I wasn’t a mistake and unfit for receiving affection. But that was not a healthy way to cope with those feelings. Through program, we figured out that I’ve had anxiety my whole life but coped with it through unhealthy ways. When eating was forced upon me and my perfectionism was stolen from me, I began having multiple panic attacks a day. After a few months of being discharged and attempting to hit the “unpause” on my life, I struggled in ways that are difficult to put into words. My psychiatrist ended up diagnosing me with depression. I also struggle with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, tightly knit with my anxiety and eating disorder. After all these months, I have been able to see the positive aspects of the difficult journey life has handed me. I am very self aware and able to analyze my feelings. I have learned how to communicate effectively and cope with strenuous emotions. I have gained an ability to show my vulnerabilities and imperfections to others but most importantly, I can now accept them within myself.  I will help others thanks to what this huge challenge has given me, because even if I cannot change the whole world, I am determined to change at least one person’s world. That to me is valid enough reason as to why I have struggled with this. No, I am not fully recovered yet but I work hard to fight the overpowering guilt, to educate others on the false stigmas of EDs, to acknowledge when my stomach growls and not hide my food, to look at myself in the mirror and say aloud, “I love you stomach; Thank you for being a part of me,” even if I do not believe that statement quite yet. I see light at the end of the tun nel (and I know it isn’t a train coming to hit me). I am not my eating disorder, my anxiety, my depression, nor my OCD. I am Bryn. And if you ask me, I am filled with shining light, full 68  Eating Disorders & Identity