Sonder: Youth Mental Health Stories of Struggle & Strength | Page 18

REMEMBERING PAIN CONT. Through painting I expressed feelings that couldn't be put into words, showing that from adversity comes an opportunity to understand and empathize. Through a great deal of processing and therapy, I found I could not blame a man who couldn’t even remember his name. How would anger be productive for him or me? Unfortunately, Dad doesn't have the capacity to talk about anything much more significant than his houseplants. I must now practice forgiveness and search for my own peace. It's not easy, but it's a journey I seek using the bravery I have gained from this experience. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. I cannot change my childhood or Dad's alcoholism. In a strange way, I am appreciative of the skills I have developed from this pain. I am no longer quiet, reserved, and scared; I have grown into a woman who can speak truthfully and confidently. I have learned to be courageous, to rip the curtains open to shed light on what was a dark secret, to create space for the next part of my life to flourish and bloom. I am fully confident that I will continue this in college and in my future in a career involving creativity, organization, history, and international relations. I will always speak my truth so that no one is ever cornered in the laundry room again. ● 16  Abuse, Addiction, & Loss