Solutions December 2018 | Page 59

People have asked me how they might sing a new song if they’re not musically talented or gifted in songwriting. I have good news: you don’t need to be a professional musician in order to sing a new song. Just being willing to reach into the realms of faith, anointing, and glory brings the sounds of heaven into the earth. This requires a tolerance for change and a desire for more. When we sing the new song, our spirit reaches out to connect with the Spirit of God, to know His heart, His will, His intention, and His words. We connect with Him, allowing the newness of God’s words, which are spirit and life, to infiltrate our spirit, soul, and body. The new song carries the potential to impart revelation, and the heart of God, into your heart. Sometimes this new song will be spontaneous because there’s spontaneity in the glory of God, but this new song can also be structured and built with precision. Often, when I worship the Lord, the new song flows, like a river from heaven. I can’t see the beginning of it, and it has no end. I simply jump in at the point of reference that I’ve discovered. I splash around in this river. I swim in this river. I make new discoveries in the river and enjoy the refreshment that the river brings. Sometimes, I ponder these moments later during my devotion time with the Lord. Sometimes, the song continues to come up from my spirit for days. When that happens, I recognize the special touch of glory that is upon these words and music. Sometimes the touch of God is the rhythm and timing of the sound. When this happens, I sit down and work through what God is saying to me. Usually, it comes piece by piece and layer by layer. Always remember that revelation is progressive. God is building something inside of us. Regardless of when, where, or how it comes, the new song is always fresh because it’s inspired by the Spirit. This sound pushes back barriers and moves mountains, and yet, at the same time, can also sound familiar. At times, God anoints the old hymns with a new sound, and they become an entirely new song. Many times while I’m leading worship, God drops a word or two into my spirit. We may be singing a song and God emphasizes a particular phrase or sentence from that song. This is where we need to be sensitive to the prompting and direction of the Holy Spirit, the best musical director of all time. I will pick up that word or phrase and sing it over and over, in accordance with what the Spirit highlights. Don’t be surprised where or when God brings these new songs to you. Don’t underestimate the power of the new song and what it can do in the hearts of people and yourself. And don’t dismiss something because it’s old or has been done before. God may want to revive the old bones with His breath that breathes through you. Be open to the moving of God’s Spirit when it comes to singing the new Solutions • 59