Solutions December 2018 | Page 26

Rachel Marie Martin organizing the silverware drawer? Is it something you would like to have done or something you need to have done? Are you organizing it so you can put off doing something else? Is it critical that you devote time to volunteering, or is it better to say no so you can work on your goals? If you have ever thought, I wish I had an extra hour every week, and you’re also the person alphabetizing your cereals, then you, my friend, might be using the excuse of busy. You will be busy. I can guarantee that. But make sure that in that agenda, some of your busy is time devoted to the busyness of change. That is real accomplishment. Rachel Marie Martin, having pulled herself up from poverty to being named one of Inc. magazine’s top 40 entrepreneurs, is the author of The Brave Art of Motherhood. She has been writing Finding Joy full time for several years and writing online for over a decade. Her top blog post, “Why Being a Mom is Enough” has surpassed 1.9 million shares, and she has had her articles translated into over 25 languages. Her articles have been featured in The Huffington Post, iVillage, The Today Show, Scary Mommy, The Deseret, Star Tribune, PopSugar, Parents, What to Expect, Dr. Greene and many more. 26 • Solutions