Solutions December 2017 | Page 33

things happen, we then have to de- cide whether we’ll trust God and keep walking by faith. Or whether we’ll try to take matters into our own hands and attempt to control our lives and change things ourselves. As triune beings (body, soul, and spirit), we have to be careful that our soul (mind, will, and emotions) and body don’t affect our spirit, but instead our spirit influencing our body and soul. how fast and advanced technology develops, human be-ings will always have limitations on their time, their energy, and their attention. It’s the age-old “sharpen the saw” principle. Sometimes it’s better to slow down and sharpen the axe instead of trying to swing harder and faster. Chris Hodges is the founding and senior pastor of Church of the Highlands. Under his leadership, Church of the Highlands has launched campuses all across the state of Alabama and has grown to more than 45,000 people attending Going faster may allow someone weekly. He also co-founded the to increase their productivity Association of Related Churches, temporarily, but eventually they can’t launched a coaching network called sustain such a frenetic pace, let alone GROW, and serves as chancellor go any faster. If we’re always trying of Highlands College, a two-year to go faster, then we’re probably ministry training college. not taking time to rest, to relate deeply with God and with loved one, to enjoy our lives. No matter You comment in The Daniel Dilemma that the faster you go, the less you produce. Many leaders would say they produce more. Could you shed some light on how hurrying can in- terfere with productivity? Solutions 33