Solutions August 2018 | Page 6

Desired By God By Van Moody What does it mean to be a healer? To be a healer means to be a fixer. A healer is a person who can cure a disease or injury, or who mends or repairs something. And that describes just about all of us. Every single one of us is broken and in need of mending, if not physically, then emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. We are each of us, in our own way, diseased. The word diseased sounds terrible, doesn’t it? When I hear the word disease, I can quickly conjure up awful images of damaged flesh or broken bones. But at its core, disease simply means “dis-ease,” or something that causes distress or anguish. Dis-ease can be anything from physical illness to mental illness, grief at the loss of a loved one or disappointment in a failed relationship, difficulties at work or financial struggles, or any of a thousand other problems. Life can sometimes feel like a long string of unexpected challenges, and we’re left in the wake, struggling to stay afloat. We need a life jacket and a helping 6 • Solutions hand to recover from these bumps and bruises that leave us feeling tender and sometimes feeling scarred. We’ve all been there. Michael Hyatt once said we’re either in a crisis, just coming out of a crisis, or about to go into a crisis. Life doesn’t happen without problems— it happens in the midst of those problems. And when we’re walking with the Lord, those problems should drive us to our knees to ask Him for help. The truth is, to live out the abundant life God has promised, we need a fixer and a healer. God is the one who can rescue us, fix us at all levels, and heal us from our dis-ease. Anything else is a temporary Band-Aid. “ God is the one who can rescue us, fix us at all levels, and heal us from our dis-ease.” With the story of Moses and the branch comes the first mention of healing in