Solutions August 2018 | Page 48

DANGEROUS GOOD By Kenny Luck The truest thing about you is what God says is true. Competing voices and forces are in a recruiting war over whose version of yourself you will accept, internalize, believe and then put your energy behind. But when the man of God believes and acts upon what God says is true about him, an explosion of personal transformation occurs. You abandon any image of yourself that is not from God. You stop chasing, caring about and accepting what others say about you. You’re not defined by your feelings. You are not defined by your circumstances. You are not defined by your successes 48 • Solutions or failures. You are not defined by the car you drive, the money you make or the house you say you own (the bank owns it, actually). You are defined – and redefined – by God and God alone. In its essence, the dangerous good revolution of men– men who won’t settle for mediocrity and dare to confront the evil around them – is a revolution of your perspective on you! But why? Why should I let God redefine me? Why should I release every last part of my will to this process? What will God do in my life if I say yes? If you are not asking these kinds of questions, you should. If I were being asked to accelerate my spiritual commitment to the level of “dangerous good,” I would want to know what I was getting into.