Solutions April 2019 | Page 51

THE WELL-OILED ORGANIZATION BY HORST SCHULZE together into processes that result in a superior product for the customers. What is that product? In the case of the restaurant, it is the sum of the enjoyable dining experience. In my hotel, it is a restful and pleasant overnight stay. In your business, it will be something else. But the principle remains constant. Cardinal Rule: Don’t Just Hire—Select I want to focus on the third input: getting the right employees. We can’t just hire anybody. Before you post a single job opening, take time to think about what kind of person could do this job successfully and even joyfully. Who would get up in the morning and want to do this? What kind of personality would they have? I didn’t originally know how to go about this, so I asked for help. The consultant firm I chose proved to be invaluable. They went to work on “What makes a good doorman?” Interviews with some of our best doormen revealed that they all liked to be outdoors! If I had put them in a windowless room full of computers, they would have been miserable. Soon we were building what we called a “success profile” for each job category. We started asking applicants for housekeeping positions such questions as, “How do you feel about cleaning up after a party?” Makes sense, doesn’t it? If somebody naturally likes to tidy up their home or take care of messes left behind by others, they will do well at cleaning hotel rooms. Solutions • 51