Soltalk June 2018 | Page 48


In with the new !

In our gorgeous area of Spain , some gardeners say we only have one real season – spring !
They say it is the time of regeneration , renewal , surprise and delight at what has lain peacefully at rest .
A time for development , for expansion , for renewal .
Rebeccah Curtis has been busily working at exactly that in her Beauty and Wellness Centre in Torrox Costa . She knew it was time for new growth , time to build on past successful experience , and time to expand .
After 27 years as a Therapist , and 13 years at the Centre at Laguna Beach , Rebeccah is re-launching ! The builders have been hard at work , the painters have cleaned their brushes , the fitters have put away their tools , and the move back in was completed by the 1st of this month .
There is a completely different look to the whole place . The reception is bright and new , the rooms are re-furbished and re-stocked , but best of all , there is a new team of highly qualified Therapists now that Spring has Sprung on Laguna Beach .
Rebeccah chose Laguna Beach all that time ago because the Centre looks out onto immaculate , peaceful gardens rather than a busy road . There is little interruption from passing footfall , rather the irenic serenity suited to a wellness centre . A visit takes time out of today ’ s busy existence , space to recuperate from life ’ s stresses . Personally focussed appointments renew energy and regenerate both body and soul .
Rebeccah ’ s approach to health and wellness is very professional . Each client , regardless of the complexity of the treatment selected , receives her undivided attention . Time spent on her couch is therapeutic in itself . She is highly qualified , experienced and committed to helping everyone to be their personal best ; simply to be able to achieve a better quality of life , to enjoy life more and on a fuller level .
Rebeccah continues to offer the best range of facial therapies and skin rejuvenation in southern Spain . She has state of the art equipment and the knowledge to meet any need . Hair removal ( waxing or laser ) is fastidiously achieved . Her Pedicures and Manicures are famous , not least because of her meticulous hygienic practices which protect her clients from the hazards often encountered .
Rebeccah , in addition to her beauty treatments , also offers numerous complementary therapies such as Reflexology , Indian Head and Aromatherapy massage .
Sylvia Bowyer has offered The Bowen Technique at Rebeccah ’ s Centre for 12 years . She is one of the only full-time , fully qualified and registered Bowen Therapists east of Málaga exclusively practising The Bowen Technique . This therapy requires intensive and extensive study to qualify , and her continued registration with the British Bowen Association requires regular supervised hours . After an initial consultation or review of progress , each session offers the client gentle but extremely powerful muscle movements . During the following 7 to 10 days the subtle re-alignment and re-balancing of all body systems continues , resulting in an overall feeling of wellness . Many muscular-skeletal , digestive , respiratory and allergy conditions may be resolved .
The new therapists joining the Rebeccah Curtis Wellness Centre will include Swedish Massage , Lymphatic Drainage , Master Level Reiki , Acupuncture and more . The new Team will offer clients different approaches to wellness to meet the needs of clients with the strategy of their choice .
So , with the joy that Spring once again brought to the Costa - the welcome rain , the verdant foliage , the flowering and fruits to follow - there will be a new experience in Beauty and Wellness with the rejuvenation of the Rebeccah Curtis Beauty and Wellness Centre on Laguna Beach .
Rebeccah is excited and cannot wait to welcome us all back to renew our vitality ; it is all around us , waiting to be channelled . Welcome to the new-look Rebeccah Curtis Beauty and Wellness Centre , Laguna Beach . Follow our Facebook page ‘ Rebeccah Curtis Beauty and Wellness Centre ’.
Make a date to visit and see the changes for yourself ! See the advertisement on the opposite page for contact details .
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