Soltalk December 2019 | Page 47

BookTalk Lucy Wyndham-Read offers a 7-Minute Body Plan (l), workouts to shape up and feel good. It comes with supporting recipes for even greater impact. She says that no equipment is needed, the exercises are easy and effective whatever your body shape and fitness level, and that you really do only need seven minutes a day. There was a time when the Yule buying season was marked by publishers churning out a wide choice of premium-priced, hardback, celebrity memoirs and biographies. Times have changed, but looking beyond the few that are still being offered this year, we find the inspirational Women Of Science (l), by John S Croucher. Here are the stories of 100 women who have played important roles in scientific discovery, though at times their participation has been a challenging and unrecognised one. Their scholarly research and discoveries have provided a rich tapestry to add to the scientific endeavours of the world. Croucher argues that it is important that these scientists be viewed through the lens of their times, placing their achievements in context throughout the past few centuries. Their scientific fields of excellence include astronomy, biology, engineering, geology, mathematics, medicine, meteorology, physics and zoology, along with their various subcategories. Some scientific studies now confirm what traditional practitioners have known for centuries - that breathing mindfully can help to achieve wellbeing. In the book Breathwork (p), Nathalia Westmacott-Brown offers 50 simple, step-by-step breath practices and visualizations you can do at home. The claim is that this can help to balance body and mind, access inner wisdom, overcome anxiety, anger or insomnia, alleviate pain and depression, nurture self-esteem and more. The UK-based author is the founder of an organisation that runs sessions, workshops, and training programs on all aspects of breathwork. Key: (p) paperback (l) hardback/large paperback depending on availability. 4 5 4 5