Softex IT Solutions Aug.2013 | Page 53

Page no:53 IT21L-Data Structure Using C Lab Objective : The practical implementation of data structure will be done by students through this lab work, which will built efficient programming skills in students. 1. Addition and Multiplication of Two Polynomials. 2. Addition and Transpose of Sparse Matrices. 3. Singly Linked List: Create, Display, Insertion, Deletion, Search, Reverse 4. Singly Circular Linked List: Create, Display, Insertion, Deletion, Search, 5. Doubly Linked List: Create, Display, Insertion, Deletion, Search, Reverse 6. Stack Implementation 7. Stack Application: Inter conversion of Infix, Prefix & Postfix 8. Stack Application: Palindrome & Matching Parenthesis. 9. Queue Implementation 10. Queue Application: Job Scheduling. 11. Binary Search Tree Implementation: Creation, Insertion, Deletion, Copy, Mirror, Traversal (Preorder, Post order, In order). 12. Graph Application: Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, And Shortest Path Algorithm.