Softex IT Solutions Aug.2013 | Page 31

Page no:31 c. Write a function max(a,b,c) which will return maximum of 3 numbers. d. Write a function pyramid() which will accept a string & will display the string pyramid. e. Write a function rev(a) to reverse a number f. Write a function srev() to reverse a string. VB basic controls with main properties, methods & events a. Add the label, change its name as lblmsg, On the form load event , display the message on label as Welcome b. Add a text box & a label in form, after selecting a text in textbox, display the selected text on label c. Add a text box& label on form, display the ASCII values of character typed in a textbox on a label. d. Accept a color name in text box. Display the forms background color as per the name of the color. e. Accept a message, encrypt it by key 2, display. g. Accept a String in text box; find out number of letters, numbers, and special symbols in a string. Command box a. Add a command box with Caption OK. When user clicks on it change to KO and vice-versa b. Display the command button with a File-save icon on it. d. Create a calculator, which will perform basic arithmetic operations like add, subtract, multiply, divide etc. Option, Check box a. Develop a screen with 4 check boxes for hobbies & one button. After clicking on a button display the hobbies selected. b. Design an application, with 9 checkboxes from 0 to 9 & one button Add. After clicking on Add, display the sum of digits selected. c. Design a screen with 3 radio buttons for 3 different colors. If any one of them selected, change the background color as per the selected color. e. Accept two numbers from user. Using radio buttons display options like calculate Minimum, Maximum, average Combo, list box a. Design an application with a text box & a Combo box, & some command buttons . 1. On click of Add button, add text in text box to combo. 2. On click of Delete button, the selected entry should get deleted from combo. 3. on click of any above buttons display total number of final items in list. b. Design an application with a list box having names of Operating Systems.