Softex IT Solutions Aug.2013 | Page 28

Page no:28 IT 11L- Front-End Lab Objective: This will introduce visual programming and event driven programming practically. This will enhance applications development skill of the student. Each session will be of 1 and 1/2 hours. Total number of Sessions – 40, Marks – 50 All the topics has to be covered with Lab Demos Sr. No Topic 1 Introduction Event driven programming, Concept of GUI, Various VB- Editions, How to start with a project, Introduction of various windows: Properties Windows, Project Windows, Toolbox Windows, Menubar Windows The language 2.1. Variables Data Types, Types of variables Forcing variable declarations lifetime & scope, Converting variable types User defined data types 2.2 Constants 2.3 Arrays Declaring arrays, Multidimensional arrays 2.4 Inputbox() & Msgbox() functions 2.5 Control flow statements If…Then, If…Then…Else, Select 2.6 Loop statements Do….Loop, For…Next, While…wend Nested control structures, exit statement 2.7 Procedures Subroutines, Functions, With Arguments, With return values 2.8 Built In Functions - Date, String, Mathematical Controls with main Properties, Methods & Events 3.1 Label 3.2 Textbox, Basic properties, Text selection, Capturing key Strokes 3.3 Command box 3.4 Option, Check box 3.5 Combo, list box, Indexing with a ListBox, Searching a sorted list 3.6 Scroll bars & slider controls 3.6 Timer 3.7 Dir, File, Drive list boxes 3.8 The remaining controls like shape, image, picture etc. 3.