Softex IT Solutions Aug.2013 | Page 118

Page no:118 IT55 - Advanced Internet Technology Objective : To provide extension to web development skills acquired in 3rd semester, CGI-Perl, Servlets, JSP and PHP is introduced for student to enhance their skills. Sr. No. 1. Nos. of Session Reference Books Chapter Details E-Commerce 1.1 Introduction E-commerce as business need, types, advantages, disadvantages, E-commerce Architecture, 1.2 Internet Payment Systems Characteristics 4C payment methods SET protocol for Credit card payment E-Cash, E-check Overview of Smart Card 1.3 E-commerce security Need of security Encryption: Public, Private & Hybrid Digital signature Authentication Internet Basics 2.1 Overview of Internet, history, web system architecture, Uniform Resource Locator 2.2 HTTP protocol basics, HTTP request & response, Cookies Basics PERL & CGI 3.1 CGI architecture 3.2 Intro PERL with Features 3.3 Variable & operators 3.4 Control statements 3.5 Working with Strings & arrays 3.6 File Handling 3.7 Pattern matching & formatting 3.8 Creating & using subroutines 3.9 Using PERL for CGI scripting Note: Apache Http server is used at server side 6 1 2 3 1 3 6 2,3,4