Softex IT Solutions Aug.2013 | Page 101

Page no:101 Semester V IT51 -Human Computer Interface Objective : To learn various aspects and design consideration and practices used in modern systems while developing a application interface between user (Human) and Computer. Sr. No. 1 Nos. of Session Reference Books Chapter Details Introduction Human factors of interactive software, goods of system engineering, user interface design, motivation human factors in design. Principles and Guidelines Usability paradigms, object action interface principles and rules, guidelines for data entry and display Design Process Managing design process, design methodologies, participatory design. Usability and tests, Acceptability tests, Software tools, specification methods Dialog Notation Design Visual thinking and icons, direct manipulation programming, virtual; environments, item presentation sequence, layout, form fill-in dialog boxes Implementation Support Individual window design, multiple window design, coordination, image browsing, command organization, command menus, natural languages in compiling, window manages and user interfaces Interactive Device Keyboards, Speech recognition, image & video displays, Response time and Display Rate 3 3 2 4 3 3 5 1,4 4 5 1,4 5 5 2 6 2 1