Social networks and European diversity Grundtvig project 2012-2014 clone_Jun,2014 | Page 4



The project was born to propose an association with official adult education centres promoting the involvement of their students in a social network where they could share experiences and opinions about issues concerning common interests.

The main goal of the project was to promote the European spirit and the knowledge about the European Union and its doings among mature students.

The selected subjects made possible to form different groups in the network. The issues dealt with were entrepreneurial spirit, multilingual tale workshops, art exhibitions and other subjects proposed by the students themselves.

Members’ interests were thought to be focused on the process rather than on the result of social network activities. Thus, interaction among groups would be the expected outcome of this Project.

This was the main goal established to create the partnership, so in 2012, our centre IEDA ( Instituto de Educación a Distancia de Andalucía) established an association with the next countries whose schools were similar to ours. Therefore, Italy, Turkey , Poland, Iceland and Spain started to work together to create the Grundtvig project "Social Networks and European Diversity".