Social Media - From Trust to Use and Beyond Chapter 6 | Page 2


Who ’ s got the data ? Even though the US system uniquely addresses providers , clinicians , payors and patients in such a manner as integrating their data is not always possible , other parts of the world face the similar need to integrate health data with cost data .
OECD Member Countries
In France , for example , a nationwide health database ( Système National d ’ Information Inter-Régime de l ’ Assurance Maladie ( SNIIR-AM ) ) is shared by clinicians in ambulatory care and in private practice combining claims data with clinical data .


This WSJ article reports that big data has finally reached the consumer , and no area is more on top of the trend than healthcare . Consumers can tap apps that can compare , contrast , and combine their own data with public health data for a deeper understanding of many health issues ranging from fitness to infertility .
In Great Britain , the NHS ( National Health Service ) keeps a great deal of aggregated data on such issues as the growth rate of spending on health care , sending in the top three disease categories ( mental health , circulation progblems and cancers / tumors ).
Round the world , The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) keeps country-specific data on a wide range of health issues in an online database called OECD .
LISTEN NOW : Dan Hounchell talks about provider and payer integration and what that means for consumers
LISTEN NOW : How the healthcare industry components are blurring to create a seamless experience .