Sneznosti Magazine 1 номер | Page 108

108 хост сказал, что я должен опасаться медведей, но еще больше местных жителей. Но, несмотря на это предупреждение, я встретил удивительного человека Анатолия, бывшего полицейского и велосипедиста. Он мне дал много всяких полезных штук вроде ракетницы, водонепроницаемых спичек и даже какое-то охотничье оружие... Я был очень ему благодарен, но также обеспокоен из-за того, что он решил, что мне понадобятся эти «необходимые» вещи. Мой путь до Хабаровска составил 600 км! Когда ты едешь на велосипеде на такие расстояния, каждый город, который попадается на пути, кажется просто каким-то сказочным оазисом. friends (and of course refusing any money for the drink I had). The following morning, leaving at 7am wasn’t easy; but I had another cycling partner. Anatolyi, a former Policeman and friend of Anton’s had offered to cycle most of the day with me. We rode 60kms together. Just before leaving Anatolyi had some things to give me. Flares, waterproof matches and a hunting weapon… I was very thankful, but a little concerned that he felt I needed, what he called ‘essential’ items… Again upon being left by myself a feeling of apprehension set it… I had about 600km to Khabarovsk. When cycle touring, each town in the direction you’re travelling takes on an almost ‘mythical’, ‘emerald city’ status. It’s important not to look too far into the distance. Khabarovsk was my aim. After 6 days I arrived. Russia wasn’t as flat as I had been told; with seemingly endless hills the whole way. The mosquitoes however did live up to their reputation. Coming from Australia I am used to them and recall in my childhood when going to the beach each weekend being constantly attacked. Russian Mosquitoes were in a whole other league. The quantity and aggressiveness of them was mind boggling! Upon stopping for lunch I would cover myself in repellent, put on my fly hat; yet still they would find a way to bite me! After a day’s ride it was a similar situation. Put up camp, eat as quickly as possible, then hide in tent and hope none had found their way in!