SMU Guildhall Graduate Catalog Spring 2017 — Cohort 25 | Page 52

Max Krembs Production « Creating Healthy Team Cultures in Large, Long-Term Video Game Production Cycles With this thesis, I set out to better The four cornerstones of culture that working with large teams for a long period communication, solid processes, understand the unique challenges in of time. I wanted to focus on larger teams because while we get amazing experience working together at SMU Guildhall, none of our teams are over 20 people in size, and the longest project that we work on runs for six months. To build my understanding and contribute to the relatively sparse amount of interpersonal relationships, and leadership. Interestingly, all of these were also factors on the smaller teams that we work with over our education here as well. This work implies that while there are certainly differences in how the projects function, many important elements are constant despite the size. research into video game team cultures, I’m excited to bring this experience into interviews with experienced producers a common language about team culture I conducted a series of open-ended and discipline leads familiar with large, long-term video game teams. I then ran qualitative data analysis on the interviews in order to extract common categories and themes that multiple participants discussed. 52 emerged from my research were PRODUCTION the video game industry and help build among video game project managers.