SMU Guildhall Graduate Catalog Spring 2016 — Cohort 23 | Page 60

Gravitas Team: Space Shark Studios « “I knew that gravity would be the paint I’d splatter all over the future!” In a revolutionary art gallery built in space using groundbreaking technology, you’re given a special glove that can control gravity. Use your new power to explore this unique setting. Gravitas is a first-person physics-based simulated game development environment gravity in order to navigate the gallery of a the project, they learned to communicate puzzle game in which the player manipulates mad artist known as “The Curator”. The team chose to build a puzzle game because it allowed them to focus on a single core mechanic and polish it to an extremely high quality. They built Gravitas in Unreal Engine 4 over a span of six months. The production of Gravitas gave Space Shark Studios the opportunity to develop a complete experience and work within a 60 with all of its ups and downs. Throughout effectively as a team of 13, as well as develop within a very constrained timeline.