Smithereens Press Chapbooks 'LllOovVee' by Aodán McCardle | Page 7

The accident of birth if we are really here at all and whats the worth of thinking any different and the seeming sleep state that increases significance the intimacy of importance the awakeness of insignificance the fear of not the impossibility of protecting the significance of accident the sheer violence the how did they how do they assault wave voyeur shame distort feed use them wonder lessless ignore intimate onto naive beauty be grow wrap mine touch worry ache hope do fleet impotence repeat defeat waste done fowl clench theirs shrink suffer pain hopeless shun wish less nothing eternal the egotism of disgust the egotism of the consideration of egotism the disgust of egotism the nothing of writing the something of writing the alternative of writing the decision the possibility the space the place writing as other than to make a line