Small Business Today Magazine OCT 2014 THE EFFORT COMPANIES | Page 14

EDITORIALFEATURE What’s Holding You Back?                  By Errol D. Allen S uccess is not easily defined. You know it when it happens to you and you feel it when it occurs to you in various life activities. Most individuals desire success in all aspects of life whether it is personal or business success. If you are not achieving what you deserve, here are some helpful suggestions. One must be personally motivated. Others cannot motivate you to change behavior. Sales agents must have the personal drive and leap of faith to start each day with a can do spirit. Where does it come from? I believe it comes from the courage to believe in ones’ self. Cour- 12 SMALL BUSINESS TODAY MAGAZINE [ OCTOBER 2014 ] age means dealing with fear. The fear sales people work under is the fear of having to meet strangers and fear of being rejected when asking for business loyalty. We know the outcome will be rewarding if we take the plunge but jumping in can be scary. Overcoming fear is the foundation for making the necessary change in your life that allows you to engage in the rewards that come with being successful. Changing a life style or habit that is not working is the first step to success. »Continued on Page 46