Small Business Today Magazine JUN 2014 MASTERWORD SERVICES INC | Page 20

EDITORIALFEATURE Cut the Weeds – A Focus on Priorities and Strategy by Avoiding Time Zappers                       By Hank Moore, Corporate Strategist™ O ne of the by-products of being a high-pro- that I could not tell my “story” in one minute. I said file person is that you get hangers-on.  Most that if he did not remember talking to me before of them mean well and just want to associ- then that was the problem. He challenged me ate with someone successful but there are that it was my obligation to “make a difference” others who are groupies and some who are just which he defined as me giving time and money to outright users. The art is to discern and margin- his pet causes. I suggested that they turn their atalize the weeds on your path (time zappers) by tentions elsewhere.The caller then got hyper and talked all over me. I stated that I wasn’t interested focusing on priorities and strategy. in his projects and needed to end the call.     One well meaning person kept hounding me People who hound and use you in business are and wanted to introduce me to people that I out for whatever they could form “strategic partcan get from whomevnerships” with. Instead, it Then he shifted er they can get it. If you turned out that they were people who had their from one idea to another. resist, they will go on to the next warm body. This hands out and thought I patiently listened then is why I have a problem that somebody (anybody) tried to get away. with networking. Some would magically open This person had already are users and others are doors for them. I kept called me weeks before used by them while othtrying to set boundaries ers don’t know what they with that person but they but could not remember are doing. would not respect my pawho I was or what I was   rameters.  all about. This was a “dial One must be resolute   and smile” sales call. It was in protecting their most One of his “strategic one-sided, self-focused, valuable and limited compartners” blindsided me modities: time, knowlwith an unscheduled conand all about him.  edge, and resources.  ference-call. Neither one Weeds (time zappers) asked if this was a good time to talk nor apologized for calling without any are everywhere crying, “Gimme”. One can never warning. In a rapid-fire sales delivery, he began by cut all of the weeds down because they re-grow trying to sell me stock in a venture.Then he shift- elsewhere. I’ve learned the hard way the value of ed from one idea to another. I patiently listened prioritizing time and focusing on the people and then tried to get away. This person had already projects that matter.   called me weeks before but could not remember who I was or what I was all about.This was a “dial Questions to Ask About Weeds and Networking and smile” sales call. It was one-sided, self-focused, • Is the person making the request a true friend, and all about him.  a business associate, or just an acquaintance?    Who are they to you and what would you The caller then announced that he had a time like for them to be?   commitment and that I had one minute to state • Will there be an outcome or payback for the my case. I explained that they had called me and other person? Will there be an outcome or 18 SMALL BUSINESS TODAY MAGAZINE [ JUNE 2014 ]