Small Business Today Magazine JUL 2014 PHENOMENAL PRODUCTS | Página 10

Howard is very proud to be one of only 14 people in John Maxwell’s exclusive mentoring group, “The Circle”! John Maxwell is the world’s #1 Leadership Expert and recently presented a program at one of Howard’s conferences. Photograph courtesy of Howard Partridge. Howard Partridge and Tom Ziglar presented at the prestigious Cambridge University last summer. Photograph courtesy of Howard Partridge. the biggest sources of conflict between the partners. Frequently traveling and doing things that left his partners tending to the business, Howard spent a lot of money and built up debt without showing a return of investment. Howard joked, “I learned from one of my mentors that vision plus vision equals division! Even though each vision might be right, they still were quite different from each other.” After having a partnership for eight years, Howard bought out his partners because each of them had a different vision of what they wanted from the company. After learning how to be fiscally responsible, Howard became debt-free and was able to pay his partners off in five years. Because Howard became so successful when he found a way to take himself out of his business so he could work on his business, he decided to share it with others. He started doing some 8 SMALL BUSINESS TODAY MAGAZINE [ JULY 2014 ] association work and sharing some of his philosophies (his business systems). Every time he shared his knowledge, people really liked what he was saying. Then Howard decided to write some manuals on how to generate referrals, how to organize one’s business, and how to sell, etc. Another big hit, Howard started selling them. In addition, he started doing seminars without knowing how to do seminars and it just grew from there. Fast forward, both of Howard’s businesses are extremely profitable. His service company does over $3 million in business per year. Howard has now taught thousands of people around the world how to free themselves from being slaves to their businesses by incorporating turnkey business systems. Speaking, writing, training, and teaching are Howard’s passions as long as it benefits business owners. Howard has written two books, “7 Secrets of a