Small Business Today Magazine FEB 2015 TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGMENT | Page 28

EDITORIALFEATURE Getting Organized - Creating a To Don’t List                     By Holly Uverity CPO®, Office Organizers A “To Do” list can be an invaluable tool; it allows you to get information out of your head and onto paper where it can be turned into action.  A “To Do” list is an effective part of your organizational system but it can also be helpful to make a “To Don’t” list.   We often get bogged down thinking of things we need or have to do, or we continue to make the same mistakes over and over again.  Writing down what you’re no longer going to do can be an eye opening experience.  Once you’ve created your “To Don’t” list by making decisions to not do certain things, you’ll experience freedom since you won’t ever have to struggle with those things again.    The following are some of my favorite “Don’ts”: