Small Business Today Magazine AUG 2014 SIVER STONE EVENTS | Page 23

EDITORIALFEATURE Stress Less to Live a Balanced Life By Dr. John Demartini  W ith the hustle and bustle and intensity of life today, it’s almost irrational to believe that getting through a day without some form of stress is possible. Stress affects all seven areas of life: Spiritual, mental, vocational, financial, family, social, and physical. So, what can we do to moderate the immediate and long-term effects of this inevitable life-affecting feeling of stress? First of all, it’s important to clearly define stress. Since change is inevitable, we can define stress as the inability to adapt to an ever-changing environment. The source of our perceptions and response to stress is rooted deeply in our inner ecology and biology and relates to earlier predator and prey dynamics. Either we fear the loss of something we require for sustenance (prey) or we feel fear of the gain of something that will interfere with or jeopardize our survival (predator). Each of us has a unique set of values; things that are most important and highest on our list of priorities down to things that are lower on our list of values or priorities. Predator and prey can be explained as becoming vulnerable and gullible; “prey” to that which supports our highest values and skeptical and invulnerable; “predators” to that which challenges them. Our hierarchy of values (what’s most important to least important in our lives) literally dictates the way we perceive our world, make decisions in it, and acts upon it which therefore governs our destinies and our adaptability to changing environments and stress levels. This is the nature of the predator-prey food chain within all living ecosystems which includes our own. We maximally grow and develop at the border of support and challenge. This has been biologically demonstrated in every species including our own. We have something that supports us which is the food the prey that we eat. We have something that challenges us - the predator that keeps us on our toes. We must have a balance of both in order to continue to grow, adapt, and maximally evolve as a species. Therefore, we require both support and challenge in order to adapt to our ever transforming environment. When we have difficulties adapting, we feel stress. Our infatuations occur when we perceive more support than challenge from a specific source and distress occurs when we experience the fear of loss of that source. When our values are suppor