Small Business Today Magazine AUG 2014 SIVER STONE EVENTS | Page 19

EDITORIALFEATURE not team members. Well-cast entertainment ensembles serve to entertain the audiences. Well chosen, trained, and nurtured business talent will produce better widgets, run better widget organizations and optimally serve the needs of the widget customers. They also stand for higher standards of quality and aspire to grow the business as a cohesive team. 7 Levels of the Longevity of Companies - 1. They stick around by default. Some companies are “one hit wonders”. They have limited utility and don’t have what it takes to go the distance. They live short lives because that’s all they’ve got in them. 2. They are needed for particular niche. They don’t try to be all things to all people. They have a specialized market. 3. They show promise to develop into a longevity company. They made an effort to justify their niche not just fill it by default. They take pride in being the best in their area of expertise. They do business with other quality-oriented companies. 4. They have time-tested products and processes. They are good and plan to get better. 5. They’re willing to do things necessary for growth. Products and processes only represent one-third of a company’s picture. Growth companies take risks and address the other two-thirds on a regular, systematic basis. 6. They have earned respect by being innovative, having a commitment to continuous quality improvement, looking outward rather than focusing all resources internally, and viewing their products, processes, and people as a holistic organization. 7. They make contributions beyond the bottom line. They understand other reasons for being in business than just the dollars. They make healthy profits while creating the best products