SLO What? | Página 13

I always hear it around the holiday season: “I’m nervous about the holidays. I always lose control around food, gain weight, and feel awful.” That’s no way to feel around the holidays. So, let’s do something about it. Here’s the thing: It’s not about having more self-control, restricting yourself from the sweets, or trying to “be good” at all the social events you attend. We have two options: to swear to be better come January, which only leads to overeating and gaining weight during the holidays... OR, we can learn to befriend our bodies, listen to them, and feel good all throughout the holidays without any dieting at all. The option is ours. One of my own life mantras is to “be nice to my future self.” I teach this concept to all of my clients, too. In regard to the holidays, if I’m caring for my future self I am choosing to feel good now and am not waiting until I set up new year resolutions come January first. So, HOW do we do this?