Sky's Up July - September 2018 | Page 50

meet the Moon “The Moon is a wonderful friend and companion to the Earth and its residents. Hardly a day goes by that someone does not hear me say, ‘Oh! Look at the Moon.’ It is like Earth’s little brother, and a rocky soul mate to all who dwell here.” I — Howard Eskildsen t’s a steady presence in all of our lives, but few people take the time to truly get to know Earth’s closest neighbor. In this recurring feature, accomplished astronomer and astrophotographer Dr. Howard Eskildsen will take readers on a quadrant by quadrant journey across the luminous face of the Full Moon. Through his images and words, Eskildsen will explore the legions of geological formations that give the Moon its distinct personality. His in- depth information will give context to the features that pop to life when one views our oft romanticized satellite through a telescope or other optical aid. Over the next few pages, the impacts of volcanoes, meteors and other forces will be revealed in detail. From its contribution to our tides to the artistic inspiration it provides, the Moon’s influence on Earth is profound, and it deserves a deeper look. 50 Sky ’ s Up Sky ’ s Up 51