SKORCH Nov | Dec 2016 | Page 72

Vol.12 Issue 10 nov/dec 2016 | SKORCHMAG.COM | 72 Skorch Event organisers Jessica West, Caitlyn Byrne, Karyn Cloonan Going backstage at any fashion show can be more exciting than watching the runway shows and presentations. A ton of primping goes into the looks that grace the runway shows, which can last as little as ten minutes. From the models, the designers, the venue planning the makeup to the music and event, putting together the Melbourne Fashion Week Plus requires incredible coordination. Well done to the organisers for putting together such a fabulous event. The models were a mixture of professional models and “street” models – bloggers and everyday people that wanted to take part in the show, which was great as it gave the show much diversity and excitement as some of the girls were walking for the first time ever. Well done to the organisers for putting together such a fabulous event.