SKORCH Feb | Mar 2017 - Body Love Issue | Page 55

Identify body parts you like
Spend some time looking in the mirror



Here is my tips to feeling like a babe whilst in the nude

Identify body parts you like

Make sure you ’ re focusing on the things that you love about yourself . Some people look at themselves in the mirror and say horrible things . Seriously , don ’ t do it . You ’ ll just make yourself feel crap . Pick the features about yourself that you love — your eyes , your smile , your butt — and make that the focus when you think about yourself . Choose to see the good in Yourself , not just with your appearance but with the core of who you are .
Vol . 13 Issue 12 fev 2017 | SKORCHMAG . COM | 55

Spend some time looking in the mirror

If you ’ re unhappy with your looks , you might go to extremes to avoid mirrors . But the truth is , your mirror can be your best friend , helping you gain self-confidence . Get to know your body , every lump , every bump .