SKORCH Feb | Mar 2017 - Body Love Issue | Page 70

Vol . 13 Issue 12 fev 2017 | SKORCHMAG . COM | 70

And when

I say ‘ everything ’, I mean EVERYTHING

So , when you round it all up , does it really matter what anyone else thinks about your body ? As long as you see it for the unmatched perfection that it is , what ’ s an outside opinion even worth ? --Nothing. I know that it ’ s a hard concept to grasp at times , but if you allow yourself to see your body in the light that is unique to you and ONLY you , you ’ ll realize that there is no one on this planet that can carry your body the way you can . And that in itself is the core of body love .

Don ’ t be mistaken . --It’ s a lonely process . You can ’ t depend on anyone else to convince you of your worth . But I promise you , once you latch onto it , it changes EVERYTHING . And when I say ‘ everything ’, I mean EVERYTHING .” -SashagaiS