Skin Health Magazine Issue #4 / Summer 2017 | Page 31

I ’ll admit it; I have a sweet tooth. I love cake, continue producing natural antioxidants so I take two sugars in my tea and my favour- your skin suddenly becomes significantly more ite meal of the day is a bowl of sugary vulnerable to UV-induced damage and, yep, cereal. Because I know I have a sweet tooth, I premature ageing. take the necessary measures to help limit the When I was younger and stuffing my face with effect it has on my body: I am fanatical about sweets and sugary drinks, the long-term skin brushing my teeth to ensure my pearly whites effects of an out-of-control sugar habit barely don’t succumb to tooth decay and I make sure crossed my mind. However, glycation is still I work out at least three times a week, so those happening beneath the surface. The reason your extra sugar-induced pounds don’t creep up on skin doesn’t suffer as a child is because your me. But I never even thought about the effect body is able to produce vast amounts of colla- all this sugar is having on my skin. gen and elastin, so any sugar-induced damage Along with UV exposure and free radicals, is kept to an unnoticeable minimum. As collagen consuming too much sugar can be just as det- production naturally drops off after your 30th rimental for the skin. The problems start when birthday, so does your ability to neutralise a hefty sugar molecules enter your bloodstream and sugar intake. Meaning you might have to skip start honing in on fats and proteins that are that big slice of birthday cake if you want to happily going about their business within the maintain that smooth and youthful complexion body. When they come into contact with each you have become so accustomed to. other, the sugar molecules bond themselves to So what can be done to curb sugar’s assault on these proteins to create a compound, which the skin? The obvious solution is to cut down usually leads to one of two outcomes. The ideal on sweet treats, but we all know that’s not going scenario involves the to happen, so the major- Along with UV exposure and free compound breaking ity of the work falls on apart, causing little to no radicals, too much sugar can be just as your skin care’s shoul- damage to the sur- ders. Antioxidants can detrimental for the skin rounding cells and help prevent the break- therefore having no effect on the state of the down of collagen caused by AGEs, as can skin. The less appealing yet increasingly common overnight restorative ingredients like Resveratrol outcome is glycation. This is when the new which inhibit glycation within the cells while sugar/protein compound transforms into what you sleep. In terms of special anti-glycation is known as an Advanced Glycation End ingredients, science is slowly catching up. The Product or AGE for short. As you continue to SkinCeuticals A.G.E Interrupter is currently top eat sugar, these compounds start to build up of my wish list as it contains a high concentra- within the skin and cause the once springy and tion of Blueberry Extract, a naturally derived supple collagen proteins to become stiff, brittle antioxidant, which helps to fortify the skin’s and misshapen, which means the skin becomes matrix and prevent the formation of AGEs flat, wrinkled and slack at the surface. within the skin. Another great ingredient is And that’s not the only way that sugar can Alpha Lipoic Acid, a potent glycation inhibitor damage the skin. Healthy skin contains a mix which is starting to be included in more topical of different types of collagen – typically types skin care products, but it can also be consumed I, II and III, with type III being the most through your diet by eating foods such as carrots, long-lasting – which work in harmony to keep broccoli and beef. the skin smooth and wrinkle-free. When glyca- As I creep ever closer to the big 3-0, I guess tion happens, it degrades type III collagen to now is the time to take action against my sugar type I collagen, which is much more fragile and demons if I want to keep my skin (and body) less flexible. Oh, and the more AGEs there are as healthy as possible. I can’t promise I will present, the more difficult it is for your body to always skip dessert though. ISSUE #04 | 2017 | 31