Skin Health Magazine Issue #4 / Summer 2017 | Page 22

My Skin Journey ANNETTE LUCK

After struggling to find an effective solution for her dry , bumpy skin , AMELIORATE founder Annette Luck decided to take matters into her own hands . Now , she is the woman behind one of the biggest skin care launches of recent years , so who better to share their incredible journey from self-conscious sufferer to industry innovator in the first of our exclusive My Skin Journey series .

I first became conscious of my skin as early as primary school . It was rough , bumpy and felt like sandpaper , and I did everything in my power to cover it up . Swimming lessons were my worst nightmare . I particularly hated how my arms looked and , as a fashion-conscious teenager , shopping for clothes wasn ’ t much fun . Strappy tops were never an option so I always plumped for the safety net of three-quarter length sleeves .
I literally tried anything I thought might help . I spent every penny of my pocket money on scrubs and exfoliating products . Visits to multiple doctors were unsatisfactory and even though they provided me with a name for my skin condition - Keratosis Pilaris - they failed to provide a solution . I was prescribed greasy emollients for the bath and tubs of horribly thick creams that never fully absorbed . I hated using them and my skin didn ’ t improve much either . Having a tan helped camouflage my annoying bumps , but despite getting married in the Summer I still chose to wear a longsleeved wedding dress .
Conducting my own research , I soon realised there was little known about Keratosis Pilaris . What really blew me away was the fact that 40 % of the population struggled with this common dry skin condition , yet there didn ’ t appear to be a suitable solution which I found unbelievable when there seemed to be a constant stream of pioneering skincare treatments appearing on the market . When each of my three children developed Keratosis Pilaris and more trips to the doctor resulted in being given the same bath emollient and tub of ineffective greasy cream that I ’ d been given all those years ago , I decided that enough was enough .
I ’ d dreamt of products that were not only effective but a pleasure to use for far too long … If I couldn ’ t find them , I would have to make them myself .
I approached a leading UK skincare manufacturer and talked to them about my aspirations . Luckily they shared my enthusiasm and together with their world-class scientists , we created AMELIORATE – the UK ’ s first dermatological skincare brand proven to help rough , dry , bumpy skin .
Our ground-breaking resurfacing body lotion not only has a luxurious texture and soft , caring fragrance but it is really easily absorbed . And memories of those unpleasant emollient baths
All available from effortlessskin . com
ISSUE # 04 | 2017 | SkinHealthMagazine . com 22