Skilled Migrant Professionals October 2014 | Page 7

Publisher’s Page O Setting the course for a better life: It’s up to you ne of the main reasons people migrate to a different country is for a better life. Sometimes we can lose sight of that ambition when the going gets tough. Whenever I encounter a challenging moment in my professional career, one memory always springs to mind based on a discussion I had with an immigration officer at Perth International Airport on my arrival in Australia 14 years ago. I was talking to him about my aspirations. He asked me about my goals and how I hoped to achieve them, particularly with me entering on a student visa. I told him that I had set the course for my life, which I believed I had the right to choose. I went on to explain to him that my success in Australia was solely dependent on me; not on which political party was in power, tax laws or the economic situation. I knew the success or failure of realising my goals would depend on my bigger picture; who I wanted to become. I simply refused to let anything derail my vision for a better life or be an impediment to my future. I frequently chat with co-migrants here in Australia and am constantly surprised to discover that they don’t have a basic plan to guide their lives, much less contingencies for major obstacles. As unbelievable as it sounds, most people don’t map out the essentials; finances, career, education or health, just to name a few key areas. These days, many people see career opportunities and pursue them assuming that everything else will somehow just fall into place. When it comes to financial security, they naively hope that the government will ensure they are taken care of in retirement. They wait and wait until the wait is over only to find they are not as financially secure as they had hoped but by then it is too late to do anything about it and are filled with regret. I will not allow this fate to befall me and you shouldn’t either. The fact remains that no one else is going to do it for you; we need to take charge of our own destiny. One of Australia’s migrant millionaires, native Dutchman who was born in Indonesia, John Hemmes, says: “It’s not being an immigrant that makes you succeed. Whatever country you live in, are born in, or immigrated to, the key is having a hunger and passion to make the best of your life.” Recent reports* suggest that immigrants are four times more likely to become self-made millionaires in Australia than people born here primarily due to savvy investment strategies. To assist with increasing the number of successful immigrants in this country each quarter SMP experts will share ideas to educate and inspire you to make the best and most informed choices to build your careers and develop your businesses to ultimately create wealth. No one can stop us from achieving our dreams. Having said that, it would be unrealistic to expect plain sailing all the way but with the tools we pro- vide, you will be able to move on and map your own course. Regard SMP as your survival kit