Skilled Migrant Professionals October 2014 | Page 21

Business with someone who isn’t a good fit. Instead, plan ahead. The ideal time to hire someone is when you can afford half their salary. By hiring smartly, the investment should benefit your business thus making the other half affordable. Most wait until they can afford 110% of their salary, which is often far too late. When you wait until you have too many clients to handle before realising you need to hire someone – that’s too late, isn’t it? The stress and the desperation builds and you’ll have a tendency to take anyone. Breathe in, relax, plan ahead and take your time. Prepare ahead to hire the best person for the position and ensure that you create an environment that would make them want to stay. This reduces your stress and the stress of your new team member. Planning ahead means you are focused on building your business and making it happen, rather than reacting and hoping it will work out. Remember, hope is not a strategy. #5 Did you know you are hardwired to fail at business? That is unless you do this one thing… It’s natural but deadly to business. We are hard-wired to do this one thing, this one-thing can kill your business. We are naturally disposed to think like business owners but that’s the problem. The secret is, to think like your prospect. Not only think, but to feel from your ideal customer’s perspective right down to knowing their reaction to certain words. Most business owners say they think from their prospects’ perspective but the reality is that it’s only a fleeting thought here and there. In these times the problem is that we are bombarded with information and messages 24/7. With access to the internet, virtually all the time via phones and computers – there are just way too many messages for any one person to handle. Our brain is pretty cool. It filters out all the unnecessary messages. For example, maybe my daughter has sprained her ankle and I am trying to find something to fix it. My brain is focused on finding that solution. If I see a message that says “How to fix a sprained ankle fast!” – that would likely get my attention. Imagine if that same business said: “We help you stay healthy”. It’s the same company, but they wanted to be broad and capture everyone in their marketing. This message would be filtered out. It didn’t trigger the emotional response needed. It didn’t use the key words I had in my head. Now do you see how powerful it is to really think like your prospect? Only then can you tailor your marketing to speak to your ideal prospect directly and intimately. You want them to react, by saying to themselves something like; “That person gets me, they really understand what I want. I need to speak to them and now!” That’s powerful, but you can only do it when you’re deeply focused on your ideal prospect. Re-wire your brain, think like your prospect and stop thinking like a business owner. It will help ensure your continued success. Business isn’t complicated, sometimes it can just seem that way. Stick to the fundamentals and focus on doing the right thing ́